Friday, 21 February 2014

What interests you about Media? (Question to me)

Impact, that’s the aspect within media that interests me the most. It may be confusing, or not, but it’s simple really, the reason as to why it intrigues me is due to how media is able to affect change. There are times when difficulties come to arise and may affect everyone. Some believe they’re alone, in which they think the only way of overcoming fear is by relinquishing it, meaning to end it all. Many teenagers such as myself have gone through this, some have found their way to courage, and some got lost in the way. How is this all connected to media? Well, those who have found their way to courage didn’t do it alone, something or someone made them see that there is something more important than fear, and quite frequently it is media that does so. Media has made an impact within the lives of people, as they keep their beliefs strong.
Media is all about courage, to make an impact one must make a move first, be it directors, actors, journalists and such, they all came into the sense of realizing the unimportance of fear, and chose to take risks for those who are cautious to live. To deliver, to speak-up, and to do, these are all the makings of what it takes to be a part of the media world. It even at times help those who are confused decide. I myself am a person who was helped by the media, for I vaguely remember in the past, I was quite unsure of what I wanted to be a part of.  I would think day and night, of what I think I am, and what I could be. I’ve always had this love for theatre, literature, films, and politics, but I wasn’t quite sure which to path to take, that was until I realized that media does actually concern all of those together. From then on, I knew that I wanted to be a part of Media.

What’s most certainly interesting about being a part of media is power. The power to affect changes, the power to voice out your opinions and beliefs, to make people listen to what you’ve got to say, that is the most interesting part of media. Not much people these days are able to do this; they are usually restricted or stopped from doing so, but not by others, but by themselves. Media is indeed one of the greatest things in life, for not only is it a big part of our daily lives, but it also helps on making an impact.

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